Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

Here are some of my favorites from the last week

Wishing it was warm enough to play outside. Hopefully soon!

We try to spend a few minutes out on the swing when it's not raining... which hasn't been very much lately.
 Love the swing pics! Pure Joy!

On Sunday, Ella had a playdate with her best buddies, Dakota and Lucas. My friend Beth from high school was home visiting from Philadelphia and she and her daughter Ellie Kate came over too!
These three girls are only about 3 weeks apart each.
Ella Kate- Ellie Kate-Dakota Lynn

What Cuties!

BFFs doing what they do best... snacking
Maybe they inherited that from their mommies!

Lucas trying to get as far away from the ladies as possible.

Her bottom teeth are almost all the way in and her top teeth are not far behind.

My little Goofball!

Her new favorite toy- Diaper Wipe. She loves to wipe things down.
I say go for it... Mommy needs help dusting!

She also uses the wipe to do her new trick, 
she will wipe her face on command! 
It's pretty cute!

Only 4 more days till Spring Break! Yahoo!

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