Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ella Kate {Amy Anderson Photography}

It seems like Fall came upon us really fast this year. Today was the first day with a break in the rain. I had to take advantage of the beautiful sun we had with a photo shoot of my favorite girls.

This was taken by my little photography assistant!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

{Amy Anderson Photography}

So, I've been really bad a blogging these last months. I haven't stopped taking pictures, in fact just the opposite... I've been busy getting my photography business going- Amy Anderson Photography. It's been so exciting, fun and rewarding to turn my dream and passion into reality. If your interested in getting your pictures done by me this fall, (at a really reasonable price) contact me- or 

Here are some of my favorites from my recent photo shots

The sweet Jaennette Twins

The Handsome Boyce Brothers

My baby turned one!!!!!

The cutie Harter Family

The fun Rodeen Family

My good friends Kara and Kristen's adorable kids

Engagement pictures for my brother-in-law Kyle and fiance Megan 
I'm totally in love with how they turned out!

The lovely Heffron Family

Thanks for taking the time to check out my pictures!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School

I know, I know... I've felt bad about it.....Sorry I've been such a bad blogging mommy! Life is just REALLY busy right now!  As the title says... "we" are back to school. I say we, because Ella joined me this September. She is now an official preschooler, and LOVES it! We are so happy to have her start Busy Bee Preschool with her little friends. Our good friends Maria and Dakota have so thoughtfully offered to take and pick up Ella every day for school. We are so blessed to have such amazing friends! Ella and Liv still are going to Jill's the rest of the time, we are so lucky to have her too! 

Oh my goodness, where has the time gone??