Friday, August 26, 2011

She's a Penguin!

We just finished 10 weeks of parent/ child swimming lesson at River Road Park. The same place that Mark and I both took lessons as kids. Ella took to water like a fish penguin (that was the name of the class she was in). We are pretty proud of her, she never really cried at all. In fact, none of the babies/toddlers in Ella's class ever cried. Very Impressive!

Some of her favorite things about swimming lessons were playing with the rubber ducky, playing peek-a-boo and looking for her grandmas and papa in the bleachers watching. She also was the first kiddo in her class to go off the diving board-  and she did it TWICE!

 Ella's first Report Card- the teacher in me loves this!

I loved reading the comments. Can't wait for next summer to take them again!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

18 Months

I can't believe it's already the end of summer! Where does time go? On my summer list was to do a photo shoot with Ella Boo. My secret dream job is a baby and children photographer. So, I've got to practice. I was trying to think of a fun place to go for the photo shoot, then I looked out to our new backyard. Perfect! I also starting painting my old red reallyneedingapaintjob adirondack chairs to white. Also perfect for a photo shoot.
Here are some of my favorites!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Some Randoms and a Check-Up

Here are just a bunch of randoms from around the house, our weekend at Blue River and Ella's 18 months check-up.

Notice something new??
Ella's first Piggies!

Blue River Camping
Family Self -Portrait, I'm loving Elle's tongue out!

Morning messy hair, just like mommy's

Look at those lashes

Beep Beep!

I learned something new this weekend,
Owling... I guess it's all the rage!

Little Miss Independent loves to feed herself.
She does pretty good with utensils for the most part.

Speaking of feeding herself, we had Ella's 18 month check-up today. Everything went great. We were a little shocked how much weight she had gained. She went from the 10th percentile to the 72nd! She is a great little eater.
Here are her stats-
Weight- 25 lbs 13 oz- 72%
Height- 31 7/8 in -55%
Head- 19 1/4 in - 95%
I can't believe that it's been a year and half!
Where has my baby gone??
Love her to pieces!