Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lucky Me!

This is my first post from my phone. I take a lot of pictures on my phone, so it will be nice to share them on the blog. Here are a bunch from the St. Patty's party!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Daylight Savings

Daylight savings  means more trips to the park before it gets dark! Yay for Spring!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

7 months

 Happy 7 months to our sweet little Alivia Jo! You're such a joy to our family!

Here is a comparison shot of her big sis at 7 months.
I definitely think they look a lot alike. I hope that is always the case, I happen to think they are very cute! I might be a little bias:)

Below is just a few from what's been happening this last week.
 Ella helped me make brownies and then got to lick the spoon!

 Liv started to eat puffs and loves them. I think that more make it to the ground, on the highchair or stuck on her, but reguardless she's having fun eating them.

 Ella's been loving playing outside lately. I'm not sure a tutu and boots are an appropriate outside play outfit but it works for her!

Spring is almost here!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby Blues!

I absolutely love these baby blues! I can't believe that Alivia is almost 7 months old. I realized I never posted her 6 months stats. I love to look back at Ella's old stats to compare the girls. So far they are almost exactly the same at each appointment. 
weight- 15lbs 5oz- 36%
height- 26 1/4"- 68%
head size- 17 1/4- 85%
Just perfect if you ask me!