Monday, August 30, 2010

What we have been up to

Today is my last official day of summer vacation. Starting tomorrow Ella is going to be hanging out with our friend Jill for daycare. It's been a sad day for me. I know I
have been lucky to be able to stay home Ella as much as I have and teaching is a pretty good gig for being a mom. But it still is going to be hard to be away from her full time. 

On another note, this is what we have been up to this last week. 

Our friend Libby Lou came over for a playdate
We did puzzles,

went to the playground

and played in the jumperoo!
Having a little 3 year old helper around was great. 
Come back soon Libby and bring your sister Peytie!

Friday night was Mark's 10 year High School Reunion
His best buds, Chad and Ryan

Ella was wondering why her dad was wearing a picture of himself (with a really cool haircut) on his shirt.

I'd be scared of this guy too! Nice stash!

The Oyler women, Emily and Erin

Saturday night Ella went to her first Man Room Party.
 It was Uncle Jed's birthday the next day!

She was helping him celebrate till until 10:30pm.
She loves the Man Room!

We also hit up 2 "Oners" this weekend. 
 Savannah couldn't be any cuter in her birthday outfit!

On Sunday, we went to Portland for our friend's Grace's party.

We rode up with our friends Dakota and Maria
A Buzz, buzz

Grace has a lot of friends. This was not even all of them that were there.

When we got home she was showing off her climbing skills.

Just hanging out with mom on her last day of summer vacation. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Ella must be thinking "finally people, real food!" We started feeding Ella rice cereal this week and she loves it! I'm sure she was wondering where we have been hiding this stuff. Wait till next week when we break out the squash and sweet potatoes, Yummy

She is wondering what is about to happen...

Not too bad...

Okay... I really love it!

Up next: Bath!

Notice how Ella's hair is finally growing. No more bald spot in the back. Whohoo!

Tonight we blew some bubbles in the backyard

and had an impromptu photo shoot.

Ella loves her daddy!

Friday, August 20, 2010

6 Month Check Up

Yesterday we had Ella's 6 month well-baby check up with our fabulous doctor, Dr. Bradshaw.
She told us that Ella was just perfect...
I'm guessing she says this to all her families.
Regardless, it made us feel great about our little peanut.

She weighed 15 lbs 3 oz  and was 25 1/4 inches tall.
She is in the 35th percentile for both.
Her head was 17 inches and was in the 75th percentile.
I guess she has a lot of room for brains!

Little goofball!

Look at those toeies!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe it has already been 6 months. It's truly amazing how much your life changes when you have a baby. I know Mark agrees, we have never been happier and love our little Ella Kate. She's the best!

I did a little photo shoot in the backyard. She wasn't in a very smiley mood. She made me work for these smiles.

These next photos are pretty funny. Ella normally doesn't care about things being on her head.

Well, she found the headband and was determined to get it off...

Then this happened...

Ella Self-Portrait

Later that night our good friends the Groshongs, my parents and brother, and Mark's mom came over for a backyard BBQ to celebrate Ella's 6 months and summer!

Dinner Party with her friends Libby and Peyton

On Friday, Ella and I headed out to Junction City for the Scandi-fest with our friends.
The food was good and the weather was HOT!
Yes... we all have matching strollers.

Notice Ella's Scandinavian outfit. She fit right in with the apron on her dress.

Lucas and Ella waiting in the food lines again.

We have been using our new hot tub as a cool pool.
It feels pretty good with these hot temperatures.
Ella is turning into quite the Water Baby!

We hope you stay cool this weekend!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Belknap Weekend

Last weekend we headed up the Mckenzie River to go camping at Belknap Springs. It was just us... we enjoyed our time alone together as a family of three.
It's really beautiful around there, but a little crowded for my taste. 
Here are some of my favorites from our camping trip. I'm bummed we didn't get a picture of Mark and I together or the three of us. I guess we'll have to teach Ella how to use the camera.

 When we got there we headed to the hot springs pool. It was a little too hot for Ella Boo.
(Look how hunky Mark is... He's going to kill me for this remark)

Next we headed off for our first of many hikes.

Ella was lovin' it!

I was having fun with our camera.

She loved it so much... a nap was in order.

My little snuggle bug!

Enjoying the river view

"Look Dad, a boat is coming down. Remember when you use to raft?"

We had a bunch of flowers in our campsite that attracted butterflies.

 Sitting all by herself in the chair!

Our campsite was the 2nd motorhome over the bridge.

Off on another hike. It may not look like it but it was steep.

Then the trail turned into this...we turned into trailblazers.

We finally made our way back to the river.

I think Ella was relieved to be back on a regular trail.

Another cool nature shot

Now that Ella is sitting up, we did a little photo shoot in the flower gardens.

Daddy and Ella time

Happy Baby!