Friday, August 13, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe it has already been 6 months. It's truly amazing how much your life changes when you have a baby. I know Mark agrees, we have never been happier and love our little Ella Kate. She's the best!

I did a little photo shoot in the backyard. She wasn't in a very smiley mood. She made me work for these smiles.

These next photos are pretty funny. Ella normally doesn't care about things being on her head.

Well, she found the headband and was determined to get it off...

Then this happened...

Ella Self-Portrait

Later that night our good friends the Groshongs, my parents and brother, and Mark's mom came over for a backyard BBQ to celebrate Ella's 6 months and summer!

Dinner Party with her friends Libby and Peyton

On Friday, Ella and I headed out to Junction City for the Scandi-fest with our friends.
The food was good and the weather was HOT!
Yes... we all have matching strollers.

Notice Ella's Scandinavian outfit. She fit right in with the apron on her dress.

Lucas and Ella waiting in the food lines again.

We have been using our new hot tub as a cool pool.
It feels pretty good with these hot temperatures.
Ella is turning into quite the Water Baby!

We hope you stay cool this weekend!


  1. Amy you are so good at keeping your blog up to date! I love all the new pics. I was cracking up at the headband over her eyes and legs up in the air. Great shot! =) Hope to see you girls again soon. Sorry I bailed on Scandi Fest. Hope you had a great time!

  2. What cute pics of Ella! I can't believe she is already 6 months!! Time is flying by so fast. And I love the picture of her in the hot tub. Ben and I are looking forward to the next time we are in Eugene to hang out in your hot tub.
